How to arrive? Don’t you know the place?
It’s not a problem, use the button Calculate route and in a few seconds you can chart a course to arrive to the B&B.

calcola percorso

Follow the road indications on the map to simply find the location of B&B;
As you can see, we are not far from Angelo Scandaliato square, historical centre of Sciacca, reachable by foot. A large parking has been created next to the building.


From Falcone Borsellino airport in Palermo (PMO):
Drive on the A29 motorway in the direction of Trapani/ Mazara del Vallo;
Take the exit Castelvetrano and continue on the trunk road (strada Statale) SS-115/E931, in the direction of Agrigento;
Continue until Sciacca.

From Birgi airport in Trapani (TPS):
Follow the Contrada Birgi-Novi and take the SP1 and then the SP21;
Drive on the A29 motorway in the direction of Trapani/ Mazara del Vallo;
Take the exit Castelvetrano and continue on the trunk road (strada Statale) SS-115/E931, in the direction of Agrigento;
Continue until Sciacca.


You can reach Sciacca by driving on:

the A29 motorway in the direction of Trapani/ Mazara del Vallo;
the trunk road (strada Statale)624 from Palermo;
the trunk road (strada Statale) SS-115/E931, in the direction of Agrigento.


From Palermo:        autobus
From Trapani:        autobus
From Agrigento:     autobus
From Catania:         autobus


Sciacca is not served by the train. If you arrive by train in the central station of Palermo, you can continue by car or by coach:

the A29 motorway in the direction of Trapani / Mazara del Vallo;
the trunk road (strada Statale)624 from Palermo to Sciacca.


We can organise a transfer from Falcone Borsellino airport in Palermo (PMO) or central station of Palermo.
It is necessary to book the transfer ahead and give all flight or train details:

Icona From and towards the main airports, harbours and stations;
Icona From and towards Sciacca and surroundings;
Icona From and towards the main touristic destinations of Sicily.

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