"Note di Colore" B&B is located in old town?
Yes, exactly in the old town, very close to the central square and the most remarkable monuments of Sciacca.
When can l check-in and check-out?
Check-in starts at 12 p.m., check-out at 10 a.m..
We can change schedules on demand of our guest and we can take care of our guests’ luggage in case of early check-in or late departure.
What can I do in case of late arrival?
We regularly accommodate late check-in, please make sure you warn us early enough to be able to welcome you.
What services are included in the price?
The price includes a generous breakfast buffet, taxes and the service and wi-fi.
What time is the breakfast served?
Breakfast is served between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m..
Internet is available to the guests?
"Note di Colore" B&B provides, also in the rooms, free wi-fi internet connection.
What are the facilities of the rooms?
Every room of our B&B includes a private bathroom with shower, hair-drier, air conditioning and tv
(see Services)
How can I book from your web site?
Booking one room is extremely simple, you just need to fill- in the Reservation form and make sure you insert your telephone number.
For information, contact us by using the (Information) form.
Does B&B provide parking space?
Nearby our B&B, a free large parking is available (Photos).
Do you need to pay a deposit at the time of booking?
As a guarantee for reservation, we ask to pay down by bank transfer or a simple charge of paypal or postepay.
Rates quoted are per night, per room or par person?
Rate quote refers per ROOM and per NIGHT, and includes breakfast.
How does the payment occur?
The payment of your stay (full payment) occurs at the moment of your arrival at "Note di Colore" B&B, after registration.
Please send us a deposit of one night as guarantee by bank transfer or a simple charge of paypal or postepay.
Our reservation service is free.
What are the terms to cancel the booking?
Cancellation can be done:
- within 5 days before your arrival, without any penalty;
- later, the full amount will be debit.
Do B&B accept pets?
As a rule, no animals are allowed in our B&B.
Can I rent a car or a motorbike?
Our team will be glade to help you to rent a car or any other means of transport. We would be pleased to suggest you the best rental shop located in Sciacca.
D.Lgs.n.196 of 30th June 2003. Personal data required during the booking are collected and treated on computer supports, in order to satisfy the commitments rising from the subscription to the contract with the customer and such data will not, however, be disclosed to other companies, if this is not necessary to subscribe the service. We guarantee the compliance of the legislation about the processing of personal data, regulated by privacy code in the D.Lgs.n.196 of 30th June 2003. For any informations: (see Privacy)